Conference presentations available at Global DNDC network
Presentations from the "Managing Climate Change (MC2)" conference held in Palmerston North, November 2009, are now available on the Global DNDC Network website. View the conference presentations below:
Lead Paper, C Sweeney - Including agricultural mitigation in New Zealand's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Keynote Address, David Fowler - The global budgets of methane and nitrous oxide, their uncertainties and techniques to measure emissions at regional and country scales
- Impact of climate change on oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere - G Zeng
- Biochar reduces nitrous oxide emissions and nitrogen leaching from soil - B Singh
- Compaction effects of CO2 and N2O production during drying and rewetting of soil - M Beare
- Effects of moisture and temperature on NOx and N2O gas emissions from bovine urine applied to soil cores - S Khan
- Impact of 8-yr tillage, crop residue and N Fertiliser Management on crop yield, nutrient uptake, and soil quality and nitrous oxide gas emissions - S Malhi
- Influence on time and method of alfalfa stands termination on soil C and N, and greenhouse gas emissions - S Malhi
- Assessing the uncertainty of a change in methane emissions from cattle at the herd scale with various micrometeorological methods - M Bai
- Nitrous oxide emission factor from application of animal dung on different soils in New Zealand - J Luo
- Nitrous oxide emissions from wheta cropping soils in South-Eastern Australia - S Officer
- Small-scale micrometeorological method for comparison of emission from treated plots - M Harvey
- Open path Fourier Transform Spectroscopy: A novel tracer technique to measure methane from grazing animals - F Phillips
- Plume detection using a gas tracer and cavity ringdown spectrometer - G Brailsford
- The LUNG: a new approach to greenhouse gas flux measurements - T Bromley
- Simulated measurements and imaging of methane emissions at paddock scales - S Wood
- Decreasing nitrous oxide emissions from high rainfall cropping systems - J Graham
- In situ and remote sensing measurements of atmospheric CO2 in the New Zealand region - G Brailsford
- Quantifying the contribution of soil organic matter turnover to forest soil respiration, using natural abundance d13C - D Whitehead
- Quantifying biochar carbon stability in soil using natural13C-isotope approach: preliminary estimates based on two years of observation - B Singh
- The impact of conversion of pasture land to Pinus Radiata plantation on soil carbon stocks and dynamics - C Poon
- Long-term tillage, straw and N rate effects on quantity and quality of organic C and N in a gray luvisol soil - S Malhi
- Clay-carbon interactions in soil environments - G Yuan
- Quantitative understanding of movement of dissolved organic matter from some New Zealand pasture soils - A Ghani
- Development of a framework for upscaling nitrous oxide emissions from New Zealand hill country - C de Klein
- Application of a nutrient transfer model for upscaling nitrous oxide emissions from hill country grazed pastures - S Saggar
- Modelling production efficiency as a strategy to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions on dairy farms - P Beurkes
- Potenital impact of N2O mitigation options for sugarcane production in Australia - P Thorburn
- The difficulties in reducing both N2O and CO2 emissions from Australian subtropical agricultural systems - N Huth
- Nitrogen cycling and N2O emissions in FullCAM - R Farquarson
- Scaling issues in measureing N2O emissions and its drivers: implications for reginoal modelling - A McMillan
- Estimating methane emission from paddy fields using a process-based biogeochemistry model - M Hayano
- Combining observations and models to estimate regional sources and sinks of atmospheric CO2 - S Mikaloff-Fletcher
- Farm management opportunities to mitigate GHG production - case studies - R Dynes
- Practical, cost effective methods for reducing N losses from urea fertiliser and urine patches on dairy farms - B Quin
- The role of nitrogen transformation inhibitors in mitigating nitrogen losses from pastures - J Singh
- The use of alkaline waste to produce biochars with high cation exchange capacity - M Camps
- Arbestain Methane biofilters - a cost effective and sustainable approach to managing methnae emissions from dairy farms - C Pratt
- Afforestation on erosion-prone land, implication on greenhouse gas emissions: a case study in the Manawatu catchment, New Zealand - A-G Ausseil
- Greenhouse gas emissions from Australian beef cattle feedlots - D Chen
Keynote Address, Rich Conant - Global perspectives on soil carbon sequestration: measurements, mechanisms and feedback.
- Propagation of the uncertainty of soil carbon measurements using mid-infrared spectroscopy into a carbon accounting model: impact on model outputs - J Baldock
- Management strategies for increasing storage of organic C and N in soil in the Northern Great plains of North America - S Malhi
- The role of eddy covariance in determining carbon fluxes in pasture soils - D Campbell
- Using 50 years of radio carbon data to quatify soil carbon dynamics in New Zealand pastures: the missing link for robust soil C models? - T Baisden
Keynote Address, Changsheng Li - Uncertainties of Quantifying Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions with Process-Based Models
- NZ-DNDC: Development history and modifications of a model for simulating greenhouse gas emissions from grazed pastures - D Giltrap
- Modelling nitrous oxide dynamics in grazed grassland systems - J Wang
- Estimating the effect of climate change on GHG emissions at experimental sites in Canada - W Smith
- Simulating soil N2O and CO2 emissions from arable organic and conventional systems using MoBiLE-DNDC - N Chirinda
- Estimation of CH4 and N2O emissions from rice fieldsunder AWD irrigation management through a DNDC model approach - N Katayanagi
- Assessing the climate change implications of shifting land use between forest and permanent pasture - M Kirchbaum
- Integrating the DNDC model into the Indicator Database for European agriculture - A Leip
- Greenhouse gas emissions from grazed pastures receiving nitrogen from clover N2 fixation or nitrogen fertiliser estimated using Life Cycle Assessment - S Ledgard
- Nitrification inhibitors: an effective mitigation technology for nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grassland - H Di
- Are N inhibitors a solution to N losses from grazed pastures? - M Zaman
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